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BSC SafeZone Training

BSC SafeZone Training

Safe Zone is a training program designed to create a more welcoming, and inclusive environment for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) community. The intention of the program is to engage the campus community in education and training and to help them learn about LGBTQ+ identities, gender and sexuality.  Trainings are offered twice a year in the Spring and Fall semester for both faculty, staff and students and are free of charge.  Specifically, the Safe Zone Training seeks to: 

  • Educate the BSC community about sexual orientation and gender identity/expression issues.
  • Examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege. 
  • Create a visible network of Allies to provide support to the BSC lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ)
  • Provide information about BSC and local community resources.

Goals of SafeZone Training
Develop an understanding of LGBTQ+ terminology;

  • To increase knowledge of LGBTQ+ needs and concerns;
  • Learn about the concepts of privilege and identity development;
  • Build skills for identifying and interrupting language and behavior that may be unwelcoming or discriminatory;
  • Identify campus and community resources that can provide support to LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty.

SafeZone Workshop, 2 hours

This SafeZone workshop is a 2-hour program that is offered twice annually for faculty, staff and students.  Participants enrolled in BSC’s course learn definitions and terminology related to both sexual orientation and gender identity development.  In additions, trainers discuss how participants can become an ally as well as offer vital campus, local and national resources to create a safer environment campus community.  Participants who complete this workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion and SafeZone sticker which can be displayed in their office or room as marker of support and commitment to the LGBTQ+ community.

Interested in completing the Safe Zone trainings?
Please look out for announcements and information about upcoming SafeZone trainings on ENGAGE.  For more information, please contact the the Office of Student Development at [email protected].

